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  • Tags: French Army

Tomb of Marshal Ferdinand Foch Les Invalides Paris FR .JPG
Within the Invalides lies the tomb of the victorious commander of Allied forces on the Western Front in World War I, French Marshal Ferdinand Foch. The Invalides is the final resting place of the great Heroes of France. At the center of the sacred…

Memorial to French Army of Levant in WWI.JPG
This simple carved plaque within the Invalides honors those who died in the French Army of the Levant in 1917 in World War I. It is located within the French Army Museum. The center of the carving has the outline of a medieval knight and his large…

This striking memorial to those from Ayette who lost their lives in World War I is topped by a French soldier painted a vivid blue with yellow boots, rifle, belt, and gloves. The names of the fallen are inscribed on the sides.
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