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Additional Activities

Additional Activities:


Local Memorials:

Have students visit local memorials and compare them to memorials found on this site.  Make a list of the various memorials in your local area or create a website to catalog them.  Determine what types of memorials appear locally and who do they represent.  Are there local sites named for those who are commemorated such as buildings, parks etc.  Submit your local site(s) to this database for inclusion.


Creating a Memorial:

Have students design a memorial for your local community or school commemorating an important local event or someone who died in one of the nation’s struggles, or research those who have fought in recent wars and/or military units that were recruited locally.  Students should compare designs from other memorials and explain why they choose their design.  Plan for construction costs and upkeep. Learn about finding a location and how to secure a site.  Students may need to make a presentation to local historical committees or city planning committees.


Campus Memorials

Locate any memorials on your college/university/school campus to former students who have served in your nation’s struggles.  Compare these to other memorials.  Find out who constructed them and when; for example, did the school pay for it or was the memorial donated, possibly by a graduating/reunion class to commemorate fallen classmates.  Look through yearbooks and obituaries to learn about the students.